Monday, December 13, 2010

Man Hat makes the big time.

DH and I spent the last few weeks up in the arctic North, trying to stay warm in sub-zero temperatures, and keep the truck on the road after the so-called 'icepocalypse' that rendered the roads into rivers of ice the first week we were there.

Needless to say, both DH and I spent countless hours on the couch at INUA Wool Shoppe in Fairbanks, DH modeling, and I, knitting. Lidped promoted the hat pretty well, so it burgeoned up onto the 'new and popular' list on the Patterns front page. I was pretty excited.

On our way home from a very good visit to Alaska, I was shocked and amazed to learn that Ann, of Mason-Dixon Knitting fame blogged about the Man Hat!

I checked my ego by looking at the Unoriginal Hat pattern. Over 7000 projects made. Not quite there.

1 comment:

  1. Love the man-hat! I'm on hat #3 now. Hubby loves them. He always insist on plain simple hats that are boring to knit but this one is plain enough to suit him and fun enough for me to knit without poking my eyes out with my needles.

    thanks again!
